all the apricots and peaches stood up and shouted, "WHaT SAY YOU?"

lundi, septembre 22, 2003

oh man i just wasted valuable time! finished my sad *sobs* history paper today and im really disappointed..hmmm anyway hi to my new blog..the idiot in me forgot my username and site address at diaryland...haha anyway so the genius in me decided to give my blog a good name with a double meaning. remember to remember my site address and also i'm a re-member...heh heh i just wonder how some people like me have so much time to blog around at this point in time...tomorrow's the emath paper one and i've done quite a fair bit of practise..but still..hmmm i'm really freezing my ass off here in the classroom. its really annoying how the refused to repair our airconditioner when we were still in school and we kept reporting it to the general office as very urgent but they kept insisting that it was blowing cold air already. no doubt it was, but it took like 10 years to cool the room down. we like turnit on at 10a.m. and it onnly gets cool at 5p.m. and thn just the other day on ss prelims day they called in the repairmen when the people who took their ss paper in our class room they just taped up some parts and..waalaa it was so freaking cold all of a sudden! we really owe those people who complained some great big thank you for fixing the aircon in the room that we shall no longer be using for lessons. yup. righto i think id better go practise a bit more emath...and i've got to make this page known to tin tin :)


+ + + + +

all apricots reserve their right to be eaten
all peaches plead to be savoured
and the apricots and peaches agree that together, they make the perfect dessert
and indeed, they did.